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Katherine Vaccaro

Tree Lined Path

New Release

Driving Naked 

It’s 1980 in Orlando, Florida.
Kathy, a recent college grad, drives to a Fourth of July barbecue. She’s scared because she won’t know anyone. Her host, Eddie, soon becomes the love of her life.


They set off on a road filled with quirky people, nude beaches and pocket-rocket cars. Along the way, they encounter plenty of twists, turns and detours.


And one big stop sign.


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or Audiobook 

What folks are saying about Driving Naked

“Like a road rally in a fancy foreign car, author Katherine Vaccaro takes the reader on an adventure down roads most of us may never travel in real life, from clubs for the super-smart to clothing-optional beaches. But the most compelling trip her debut memoir embarks on is the one we all must someday take - to our final destination. Driving Naked explores the important question of who ultimately has the right to decide when, where, and how the journey ends.” 

— Darlyn Finch Kuhn, author of Red Wax Rose, Three Houses, and Sewing Holes

In her memoir, Driving Naked, Katherine Vaccaro is unafraid to unearth buried memories while evoking empathy and emotions in her readers. She truly shows the pain and loss of true love.

 — Meg Lelvis, writer of mid-century women's fiction

An extraordinary tale of love at the soul level, of a partnership so strong that it challenged social conventions
. . . and even fate itself. A powerful, heart-wrenching, and haunting memoir—not to be missed.

— Renée Anduze, author of Take a Left at Tomorrow

The author poignantly shares her story with tales and trips that the couple take together through the years to road rallies, car enthusiast shows, and as nudists to clothing-optional beaches and nudist resorts. . . .the first-person perspective allows the reader to consider the journey the couple took, judgment-free.

— Mary Jane Kolassa, American Association for Nude Recreation


About Katherine Vaccaro 

Katherine Vaccaro has lived most of her life in Orlando, Florida. During her career in public relations, she wrote and edited magazines, newsletters, speeches and more. She then turned to creative writing and also published humorous essays in a local newspaper while living in the Florida Keys. Driving Naked is her first full-length book.

© 2024 by Katherine Vaccaro. All rights reserved.

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